代数图论 图谱
1.Haiyan Chen, Yu Chen, Bartholdi Zeta Functions of Generalized Join Graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, (2018) 34: 207–222.
2.Yu Chen, Haiyan Chen,The characteristic polynomial of a generalized join graph, Applied Mathematics and Computation, (2019) 348: 456-464.
3.Yu Chen, Yunhua Liao, Rank of a matrix of block graphs, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, (2021) 342: 786-792.
4.Yu Chen, Yaoping Hou, Eigenvalue multiplicity in cubic signed graphs, Linear Algebra and its Applications, (2021) 630: 95-111.
5.Yunhua Liao, M.A.Aziz-Alaoui,Yu Chen, Spectra of generalized windmill networks: Analytical solutions and applications,International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2020 (31): 2050159.
6.陈语, 陈海燕.几种复合图的Bartholdi Zeta函数[J].厦门大学学报(自然科学版),2018,57(03)
7.陈语, 陈海燕.正则图联图的Ihara Zeta函数及其应用[J].厦门大学学报(自然科学版),2019,58(01)
1.2018-2021 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目《图的极限及其动力学行为》
2.2020-2023 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目《图的沙堆群和符号图的谱相关问题研究》